My blog has been banned in China, thus it cannot be read by my friends in the "Middle Kingdom" anymore. The cause seems to be what I wrote a couple of months ago about China, which seems not to have been appreciated by the censure organism of the Communist dictatorship. While Chinese citizens think to have freedom (they suffered a brainwash process in their childhood) as we have in western countries, this shows that every thought that could be potentially destabilizing for the "harmonius Chinese society" will be deleted, like in the best traditions of communist countries, from the Soviet Union, till Cuba and East Germany. For us youth this is a clear message: we have to fight so that our country will not die outpaced by the Chinese communist model, where there is freedom just for the highest ranked politicians of the party. Sadly, the nations that are strong economically (and militarily) manages to impose their values to the weaker country. Therefore, our effort for a more flexible and young economy is also a fight for our values, against the cernsorship of the freedom of speech and Chinese absolutism. Freedom comes before everything.
30 giugno 2007
La Cina e' incompatibile con libertà - China is not compatible with freedom
My blog has been banned in China, thus it cannot be read by my friends in the "Middle Kingdom" anymore. The cause seems to be what I wrote a couple of months ago about China, which seems not to have been appreciated by the censure organism of the Communist dictatorship. While Chinese citizens think to have freedom (they suffered a brainwash process in their childhood) as we have in western countries, this shows that every thought that could be potentially destabilizing for the "harmonius Chinese society" will be deleted, like in the best traditions of communist countries, from the Soviet Union, till Cuba and East Germany. For us youth this is a clear message: we have to fight so that our country will not die outpaced by the Chinese communist model, where there is freedom just for the highest ranked politicians of the party. Sadly, the nations that are strong economically (and militarily) manages to impose their values to the weaker country. Therefore, our effort for a more flexible and young economy is also a fight for our values, against the cernsorship of the freedom of speech and Chinese absolutism. Freedom comes before everything.
20 giugno 2007
L'Italia è Malata di Cancro - Italy Has a Cancer
La metà del "tesoretto" va ai pensionati. Ora è ufficiale. Tale notizia non fa altro che rafforzare la nostra teoria secondo la quale i giovani Italiani sono lasciati a se stessi, mentre un trattamento speciale viene riservato ai pensionati. Inoltre ogni anno il parlamento perde la maggiorparte del suo tempo a discutere e infine legiferare su una ipotetica riforma delle pensioni. La cosa sbalorditiva è che i giovani non si muovono, nessuno si mobilita per protestare contro uno stato che opprime la nostra forza e creatività. Ma dove sono gli elementi giovani all'interno dei partiti? perchè non muovono un dito? Abbiamo notato invece come i pensionati siano ben protetti, quando si parla di loro, bigogna interpellare ogni parte politica, confindustria e sindacati. Lo stato moderno cresce investendo in innovazione, ricerca e scuola, ma noi abbiamo scelto la strada dell'investimento negli anziani. Tale situazione va invertita adesso, abbiamo bisogno di politici con coraggio, abbiamo bisogno di rompere con il compromesso, abbiamo bisogno di fare scelte coraggiose che guardino al futuro. Si, L'Italia ha il cancro, va curata con la chemioterapia. Sembra invece che i nostri politici abbiano deciso di somministrarci degli antidolorifici.
Half of the unexpected tax revenues is going to feed pensioner's needs. Now it is official. This new reinforces our theory according to which the Italian Youth are left alone, whereas a special treatment is reserved to pensioners. Moreover, every year the parliament loses the majority of its time discussing and producing laws on an hypothetical pension system reform. The most surprising thing is that young people do not move, no one protests against a state that is killing our strength and creativity. Where are the youth components of the parties? Why they do not react? We have noted instead that pensioners are well protected, and when they talk about them, there is the need to involve parties, unions and firms' representatives. The modern state grows investing in innovation, research and school, but we have chosen to invest in elderly people. This situation has to be changed now, we need politicians with courage, we need to stop compromising, we need brave choices for the future. Yes,